Our Different Funding Options

Practicing law is both a science and an art, and any lawyer can tell you that the practice of law has completely transformed in recent years. New approaches in marketing, technology, and case management can make or break a small firm. To stay on top of these developments, small firms need access to robust and flexible financing.

But small law firms are as different as the attorneys who lead them. We pride ourselves on offering customized, right-sized financing solutions with terms that reflect the business reality of your law practice. We combine our expertise of the market with cutting-edge technology to find a solution that works with your unique circumstances and goals. Our strategy allows us to work with you to efficiently find a product and terms that meet you where you are and help forge a pathway to sustainable growth for the future.


Settled Case Financing

We can finance attorney fees for a settled case. But there is no need to wait until you reach a settlement.


Portfolio Financing

Your portfolio of future fees is a constantly evolving asset pool. If you need capital, there is no need to wait for a settlement. With portfolio financing we can identify the value of your portfolio and provide right-sized financing based on your future revenue. Repay as you collect fees and avoid the stress of working with other lenders that seek scheduled repayments.


Credit Lines

You have financial history that shows a strong mix of cases and stable growth of your firm's portfolio and revenue. Knowing the amount of financing that your firm qualifies to receive can provide you with the confidence to lead your firm boldly.


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